I have never been so sore and out of it my entire life. I got all the gear to cut up my log on friday. And I tell yah it was a hot day. I was wearing kevlar chainsaw pants and it must have been 28 degree. With the heat of the chainsaw and the concentration on working and wearing layers of clothing in the sun I sweated buckets. Literally I dreched through everything. I came home friday dehidrated and with a major headache. I didn't feel like I was out of the clouds till this morning. I Got a lot done and took a lot of the excess wood off. The Farmers market was super slow this saturday I did okay, however I had only half the stock I normally would. I came home saturday afternoon and the pain from working with the chainsaw kicked in. I literally was sofa ridden and had an early night. I don't think I have ever used those back muscles. This past winter I worked for a shoveling crew. We had 32 homes on our route and when the snow stopped no matter what time it was thats when you got out to shovel. I loved it when the snow stopped at midnight and you could shovel all night. After 10 to 12 hour of shoveling you crashed and woke up with sore mucles like you never knew. The shoveling pain was mostly in the shoulders and arms and lower back and legs. It was all worth it cause it was a great workout and the cash was awsome, we called it white gold. Now the chainsaw pain was all in my mid back, my delts, bicepts, tricepts wrists and forearms. Today I am feeling great, just a little tender. Today is a restocking day, I have over 60 frames to stain and I am going throught my entire invertory.
On another note I have to add a pic of the painting I bought in Toronto. I love it. It is from the awsome urban artist Charlie Green. Sweet piece..
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