Saturday was the slowest day in all history at the farmers market. I have never seen it so dead before. I usually get my coffee at the fair trade booth near Tiffanies glasswear at around 8ish in the morning. Usually, there is a long line at Mary's Bread Basket and it was dead. That was a sign that it was going to be a slow day. I had made $4.00 by 11 am. I think that after the Busket fest a lot of people went on vacation for the last two weeks of summer. I predict this week and the next to be pretty slow. Now mind you frosh week is next week, But they tend to stay up town.
So while I was carving on the waterfront yesterday afternoon These two girls are scream on the waterfront to run and get out of the way. I was a bit startling, they were freaking out, then I figure out what they are yelling. "Everybody Run Zombies" and after them is a parade on emo's dresssed as Zombies dragging themselves in a zombie (not cool) parade. I felt sorry for them, it was hard to watch. The mermaid is coming along here are pics of my new space and some of the little lady. I finished her back tail and almost done her back so I am right on track. I have new roomates moving into my apartment this week and I am compacting my stuff from the whole apartment into one room. It is great to cleanse but it it hectic because I have so much on my plate. I think I am not working for the next two days so that I can get all my stuff organized and moved into my new room. I am losing hair with all this stress.
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