Well than article had some major errors. I would like to apologize to The Canadian Forces,The Maritime Museum and the Abilities Foundation for these errors. I am appalled and very dissapointed in the article and asked for corrections to be published. First correction. It stated I am doing paintings FOR the Canadian Military. Wrong! I am doing a series of painting called Canadian Issue, I am painting the guns and vehicles currently issued to the Forces.
For example I just painted the COYOTE a LAV RECCE vehicle used by the Armour unit of the forces. I will not be painting the COUGAR vehicle because it is not being used anymore, the gun is not accurate and its a tin can. They call it a Pumpkin gun.
I was very clear on this project. It is not funded by anyone but myself and I am doing it as a body of work.
When I called the paper and complained to the editor the kept on asking me "but, For who?" Who are you painting it for?"
Let me make this clear. For me. I am doing a body of work for a show, for my own selfish creativity, because I want to. Why did I carve a mermaid in the summer, because I am an artist and it is what I do.
The reporter Joel Jacobson that interviewed me was at the fundraiser for the Abilities Foundation and asked to interview me as an artist. I said Okay. He knew very well my carving was separate from the unveiling. I asked him on the phone yesterday why he made it sound like my carving was the one for the Abilities. He said 'Oh I guess it looks that way, I was just trying to make a link between the Abilities and the Museum and yourself. He could have said this " During the unveiling Gala of the Abilities Foundations Figurehead Melissa Ryan put her wooden carving of a mermaid up for auction to raise funds for the foundation. She carved the mermaid last summer at The Maritime Museum as their Artist in Residence. She will return during the Tall Ships to paint one the Abilities foundation's Figureheads for the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. there are plenty more small errors but I wont get into it. I am very nervous about talking to reporters now and I wonder how much you read in the paper is correct.
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