I finished another C13 and I started on the Coyote (of course) I am playing with perspective on this piece and I made the thingy magigy on the top a little longer. Haha. Here is a pic of the work in progress. So I am trying to meet people in this town, which is kinda hard, for me. There is a book club meeting at the local Librabry so I am going to attend that and see what people are reading. I just finished Devil Wears Prada. Wow that book makes you want to crave a pair of Jimmy Choo. My comments on the book. It was only the span of a year so why didn't she put dates on the parts she was talking about like in the book Bridget Jones Diary. Sometime the next chapter was that afternoon or four months later. The author ended a relationship that I felt needed better closure. I wanted to know how Andy felt about Christian in the end. When he laughed at her curcumstances did that put her off. Did he stop calling her because she was no longer the assistant, does he bother all the assistants? Whatever, she was only 23, really young for a serious relations with Alex or to be responsible in her job. I thought it was a bad choice to leave Paris. Hello, if my best friend is going to do stupid things then I'll get there when I get there. I guess thats why I chose not to have stupid friends. When I think abut her job and tasks I wouldn't be so bitter about what she had to do. In my opinion if I am paying you I don't need to say please and thank you if your job is to run around and get me stuff. I am starting the book Eragon ( I know chessy.. but well written so far) whatever... leave me alone..I am sure some of you out there have read some crap. I am on the hunt for Carol Shields biography of Jane Austin.
So Trevor is in the field again this week...I am all alone for days..boohooo. not to mention today there was a wind chill warning of -36...man thats cold to be sleeping in a tent and being outside for days. brrrr.
The songs and bands I like this week are. "The Funeral" By Band of Horses, "Skin and Bones" by Foo Fighters, "In The Morning" by Junior Boys, "Ohio is for Lovers" by Hawthorn Heights, "I will follow you into the Dark" By Death Cab For Cutie
and the best of all "This could be anywhere in the world" by Alexisonfire (the best band ever)
'The line up seems endless underneath the salvation army sign....I stand in amazement I can't believe this is where I live'. that line reminds me of Montreal, Halifax and Toronto all in one. Okay on a final note the most amazing paint color is (drum roll please) Gold Green, heavy body, by Liquitex series 4 mmmmmm..purrrdy
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