Monday, November 20, 2006

Talking a flight tonight

I am on my way to Halifax for the auction of my mermaid and my lure. I am soo excited to go back to Halifax for a visit and see all my Pirate Whores. I finished the paintings for Jay Well salon and he is going to be very pleased I will put the images on line after I give them to him. They are three painting of his dachshund dogs. One painting per dog. He removed all the art and stuff from his house and he is apparently looking for a very sleek grey look. I think I got it. Will see. HEhe...I am pretty excited. I am going to visit my friends at the Little Mysteries shop on Barrigton and giving them new stock. I put some of my art in a store in Toronto called the Occult. Yah wow this is like the "hardcore of wicca". Well that what the owner said. As I stood there buggeyed looking at all the vials of herbs and oils. Rows and rows of the stuff...Wow I guess if you wanna make a spell you would go here to get ...ummmm what you need? Actually it was pretty cool and they seemed really nice, my kinda people. Oh well gotta get my lure packed and get ready to go.

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