Monday, November 13, 2006

Election day

Here I am sick as a dog, Could it be because I live with kids?? Who knows. All I know is I have a sore throat and I am pretty sick. The toronto flu??? I am just hoping this is just a cold and I don't need to see a doctor. I went to get some medicine at the drug store on my break while working for the inbound call centre for elections canada in the North York Civic Centre. The pharmacist said I have an infection and I need antibiotics. My Question is why is that always the solution. Are we drugging ourselves too much. I think that we are all going overboard with the drugs and medicine. I am leaving for halifax in a week and I am excited and stressed at the same time. I worked yesterday on the street and did pretty good. It is getting too cold to stain frames on the street and the stain just does not dry. I am only able to sell for a short peroid before I can't stay out any longer. I wear plenty of layers to wear and then I just get too cold, I even wear a snowsuit dress, two pairs of pants, four shirts, mitts, hat and a jacket and brrrrrrrr. I can get one painting done while selling on the street. I am at the call centre right now working for the city of toronto election. How funny is this I barely know the city and I am helping people find out where they need to go to vote. Well the computer system is amazing and all I am doing is typing in their address and "poof" it come up a map and where they need to go. this is prettty fun, but my butt is getting sore from sitting all day thought. Oh well its 3 now I only have 2 more hours.

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