We went out for dinner in Fredericton last night. We went to the Blue Door, to try out their pad thai and we got a curry dish as well. Um yah for a $16 plate of food, we got crappy rice in a pork curry with potatoes. half a potatoe in dried up curry and over cooked meat on crappy rice. The pad thai was drowned in a coconut milk with green and red peppers???? Do Not go to the Blue Door, unless you would like to get ripped off and eat some crap.
I just got back from a meeting on Base with the public affairs department. Holy this Base is huge. like wow, i think its apx 30km in diameter at some parts. The meeting went well and the info on my project is going right up to the Base Commander, How cool is that.
I am posting some pics, the paintings I did for JayWells Salon. I stayed at my friend Sarahs house while I was in Halifax. Thanks Sarah You Rock...here is a pic of her kitty Joey. A pic of me in my new hair do done at Jay wells salon, Love the doo. a pic of Trevors TV, whick baffels me every time I look at it. 56 inches...why? I have to admit it is cool to watch movies on with surround sound. but yah wow big..this is a guy thing right? and pics of our little house and our street. You ever get the small wooden toy train set with the litle houses and the wooded trees and stuff. We have one at home that we put on the fire place mantel or around the xmas tree well the PMQ's personnel military quaters are just that. I think of the most excellent and coolest song ever by Metric "Rock Me Now" 'where she says a remote part of town'