I am taking a break from the project for the next three days and I am working on my summer line. I have 6 soft pink, 7 lime green and 4 blue canvases preped. I am doing a series of geishas on the pink here is one I started yesterday, It is very far from completed but you get the idea. I think I will do some bamboo on the lime and some Koi fish on the blue ones. This is just to get my feet wet in the production for the summer. I will be in Toronto on the street near Queen and Spadina on June 1st- September. This year will be more of a busking event rather than a selling event of prints. I will have the prints but in poster format. I cannot find a frame supplier that is affordable anymore.
Here are some pic of my kitty. We looked up what breed he might be and he may be a bombay cat or he may just be a solid black cat. He is very vocal and has human like characteristics. Here is a pic of him in a box and in his new house which he is always on. They say Bombay cats have a tendency to get obease. So we ration his food throughout the day and only the specific amount. If I put any amount two table spoons or half a cup of food, he inhales it. I really don't want a fat cat so we are monitoring his food from the start. Pretty funny cat, he has a black toy mouse he carries with him and plays will for hours, and if you throw it at him and he is on the bed he will leap in the air three feet, fly into the wall in mid flight catch his toy and land on the floor, and ready to keep on playing. We have to stop because we can't stop laughing.
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