Your not allowed to let your cats out in this community. I find that is a form of torcher. We live in a rural very grassy fun area with lots of trees to climb and squirrrels to chase. I trained the cat and it does not leave the yard. It took over a month, of having it on a leash then a harness and a rope tied to the clothes line. Now he goes out a stays in the yard. I only let him out for a bit and I am always with him and he never goes out after the sun goes down. I have a string and he chases me around the outside of the house until he plops down exhausted. I also only let him out right before I feed him so he is hungry and will want to come in when I shake a jar of food. I worry cause cats can eventually get stubborn, you can only play fetch with them for so ling the they don't listen.
Here is my latest painting. it is the snipers .50 caliber rifle. I love the colors.
Here is something I do to remind me of Korea I make Bulgogi pizza
I love to cook,
I am not sure if you make you own pizza dough or buy the dough. I make my dough
you get fondu beef 5 bucks worth(you can get at every grocery story, its hard to find so ask the meat guy) its usually frozen
go to a korean grocery and buy a small bottle of Bulgogi BEEF (not pork) maranade sause.
OK maranade the fondu beef
to add a bit of taste to the maranade
two cloves of garlic minced
one small onion minced
if you have some sesame oil and soy sause add 1 tbl spoon of each with 1 teaspoon of brown sugar
if you dont have sesame oil don't add the soy sause without it
maranade for 2hours or make sure the meat is thawed
cook it up in a frying pan, let it simmer till the sause reduces. (don't want the pizza soggy)
add it on top of the pizza dough
add mushrooms if you like
mozarella cheeze and diced Jalapinos if you dare (all over)
cook in the oven for 12-15 minutes at 425 degress
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