I took my lovely and beautiful roomate Lisa...Robin who moved to edmonton's twim sister to the Metric Concert for her Birthday. What a show. It rocked. we both wore our Pirate whore shirts. I messed up her shirt at the store when we were getting the shirts made. The guy working was drinking and drunk and it was 10am thurday. He was so slow and it was hard to maintain politeness. So I put the letters on and i put the E in whore on backwards so it spells Whoras...like a spanish whore???? well Lisas mom was happy and so was lisa cause she could wear it out more often like taking her 2 year old to daycare HAHAHA. So at the concert we asked one of the stage hands to let us in the section near the sound guys so we could be closer to the stage and not crammed in the croud and showed the shirt and we were in there...har matees and a bucket of fish...harhar.. we danced so hard it was sweaty..I loved it..Emily Haines was soo mezmerizing it was the best concert... I didn't want it to end. I saw the movie Loose Change..It was really interesting and brought up some amazing points..Google it and watch it online for free on google video. Vanity fair has said it is the most watched video on the internet, at 100000 time viewed and it keeps rising
This is my last week on the waterfront carving. Today I finished her face and I was so hungry I packed up before taking a pic. All that need done is the hair and neck and sanding. She creeped me out today when we had her stood up and her face was on. It was so real...gave me chills. This week will be a crazy week a cruise ship in everyday and on saturday I will be at the farmers market from 7am till noon and weather permitting on the waterfront. That day there will be four cruise ships in totalling 6061 passenges and there will be a NHL hockey thing and the Rolling Stones concert so the waterfront will be insane in the day and sunday....this week is like buskers all over again. I was thinking about having a little gathering on sunday the 24th for the unvailing. Will see it would be nice...so i'll let yah all know in a day or two. well here are some pics of stuff. Robin and Lisa and a pic of little miss NO my 2 year old roomate who loves the word NO..me and lisa before the concert and my carving.
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