Lets getter dun, Lets giver. Working hard just pushing it when I am carving. Here is some pics of the progress. I don't have much to say but I am whiped out. I have one of my university friends from Toronto in town. Danielle and Co, we went out for dinner tonight. I took her to the shoe shop. Felt it was wrong of me as a Haligonian to not take her to this place. Just because if she goes back to Toronto and someone asks her "Did you go to the shoe". I didn't fail her. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. we think it was the Newfie girl at the table fur sure there. And her name is Melissa also and she had hoop earings that said Melissa on them, I wanted them. She was so funny I almost died. Now I must seach the net for these earings.
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