My husband comes home from Afghanistan this month and I am very excited, seven months is a long time to be alone with a baby. I have been staying with my sister and her family in Toronto for some of the time. This past weekend I completed the Sporting for Life 10 km race (apparently it's pretty easy being that it's mostly down hill, I am still sore) but I have a 10 month old and I did a 10 km huzzah. There were 15000 people there and it was a rush. Felt good to finish, my time was 1hr and 5 minutes. Now I wonder what it would feel like to do a 1/2 marathon.I think that would feel pretty awesome to finish. We are getting posted to Kingston On this summer so the adventure continues.
I haven't been to Chapter book store in a while and we went this weekend and to my utter joy Melissa Marr has a new book (I am so out of touch) I have read all her books and I am excited about "Radian Shadows." I also got Holly Blacks new book "White Cat" eek giggle.
Heres is a pic of me and my sister and our neighbor Sonia who writes the blog
at the Sporting for life run